1. Parties
This Membership Agreement (“Agreement”) is made between EMY Umbrella (“Company”) and the user (“Member”) regarding the membership transactions performed by the Member through the Company’s website and mobile applications.
2. Subject of the Agreement
The subject of this Agreement is to regulate the Member’s access to the products and services offered by the Company through its website and mobile applications and the terms of benefiting from these services.
3. Membership Application and Approval
The Member can apply for membership by filling out the membership form available on the Company’s website. The membership application is not valid unless approved by the Company. The Company reserves the right to reject the Member’s application without providing any reason.
4. Membership Rights and Obligations
5. Membership Cancellation
The Member may cancel their membership at any time. Membership cancellation can be carried out through the cancellation form available on the Company’s website. After membership cancellation, the Member will no longer be able to benefit from the services offered by the Company.
6. Data Privacy
The Company has an obligation to protect the Member’s personal data. The Member agrees to the collection and processing of their personal data. Personal data will only be used in accordance with the purposes of this Agreement.
7. Changes to the Agreement
The Company reserves the right to change this Agreement at any time. Changes to the Agreement will be effective from the date they are published on the Company’s website.
8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Republic of Turkey. In the event of any disputes arising from the Agreement, the Istanbul Courts shall have jurisdiction.
9. Contact Information
For any questions or requests, the Member can contact the Company using the following contact information: